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Now downloading free:panasonic hcd-s300 trobleshooting guide 600

panasonic hcd-s300 trobleshooting guide 600 free download

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DAV-S300 (HCD-S300) Troubleshooting guide 1 Contents 1. Troubleshooting at Start-up --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 (1) Stand-by Mode (a) Voltage supply for microcomputer (b) Output of Reset signal (c) Setting of Stand-by Mode (2) Operation mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 (a) Detection of Wake-up key (b) Display of Fluorescent tube (c) Start-up of DVD circuit (d) Release of Sound Mute (e) Setting of tray position ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 (f) Setting of OP block position (g)Setting of Tilt default ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 (h) Image output (i) Focus search 2. Troubleshooting in Test mode ------------------------------------------------------------ 8 (1) Display of emergency history (2) Syscon Diagnosis (3) Video Output Circuit 3. Miscellaneous -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 (1) Lens cleaning (2) Compatibility with NEW and OLD board 2 1. Troubleshooting at Start-up (1) Stand-by Mode (a) Voltage supply for microcomputer 5.6V for microcomputer is output from power circuit and supplied to audio micro computer (IC903) when connecting AC plug to an outlet. (b) Output of Reset signal Reset signal from reset IC(IC902) lets audio micro computer (IC903) start up. (c) Setting of Stand-by Mode Power LED illuminates in red when audio microcomputer starts up normally and moves in Stand-by Mode. Audio microcomputer detects key / remote input and performs LCD control. The system changes to Operation Mode when Wake-up input (key/ remote) is recognized. (Repair Know-how) In case that audio microcomputer doesn't start up, confirm the fuse (F901) on Power board. Also, confirm input of reset signal (IC903 12 pin). 3 2) Operation Mode (a) Detection of Wake-up key Audio microcomputer (IC903) detects a kind of key when a key on the main body and remote is pressed. If Wake-up key such as Power button is pressed, the system changes to Operation Mode. The color of Power LED changes from red to green when the system turns into Operation Mode. Also, Power ON terminal of audio microcomputer (IC903 78pin) changes from L to H. Then each power supply voltage is output from Power board. (Repair Know-how) Color of LED In case that the color of LED doesn't change, even though you press Power button on the set, press Power button on the remote for your confirmation. In case that one of Power buttons doesn't function, confirm key signal input (IC903 93 pin) or remote signal input (IC 903 42 pin). (b) Display of Fluorescent tube Name of the model (DAV-S300) is displayed on Fluorescent tube when audio microcomputer switched to Operation

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